7 Tips for Successful Collaborations

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” – African Proverb
When I was still in corporate, I was unexpectedly called into my boss’ office. You can imagine my reaction. I wasn't sure what to expect and wondered if I had inadvertently gotten myself into some kind of a mess. She immediately set my mind at ease. Not only did she have an exciting new project for me to work on, but I would be working together with one of the most creative people in the organization.
Our partnership made complete sense. I tend to be very organized, process and detail oriented, whereas her strengths lie in her creativity and thinking outside the box. As we started working together, she would throw out an idea and we would take turns building on it. When we presented the plan to our senior management, it was met with positive feedback and the green light to move forward. We were able to take the project from planning to completion in a couple of months, all due to our ability to leverage each other's strengths and work together.
Now that I'm in the entrepreneurial space, I'm finding that the opportunities for collaboration are plentiful, no matter where we are in the journey. If you have been in a space for a long time, you have the opportunity to mentor the next generation of entrepreneurs. If you are the newbie and are looking to breakout, you can provide a fresh point of view and valuable experience to a collaboration. If you're both newbies, it's an opportunity to figure it out together and lean on each other. Finally, if you are both established, it allows you to multiply the power of what you do.
The many benefits of collaboration
It is not always easy to find the right people to collaborate with. In some cases, you may be able to tap into a network of people with various skill sets. In others, it's about partnering with just one person. If you are open minded and see beyond the obvious, collaboration can bring about new opportunities that might not have been possible otherwise.
- Increased creativity and innovation: Creativity is the driving force behind collaboration. It allows different types of people with different perspectives to come together to solve a problem, reach a goal or create something something totally new
- Fresh perspectives: When you work with others, their experience and point of view are beneficial to your own perspective. The addition of another voice may spur new ideas and thoughts that otherwise might have stayed buried. It also gives you the opportunity to learn new things from a different perspective than your own
- Ability to reach diverse audiences: Collaboration expands your reach with potential partners who are in different industries and have different perspectives. They can help you gain exposure for a product or service that may otherwise be difficult to capture. Collaborating with people from all types of organizations, institutions and businesses is also an excellent way to learn about new trends that you can use in your own business
- Knowledge gained: Working with others challenges you to gain a better understanding of how other people work and what makes them succeed or fail. You might be able to pull insight from someone who specializes in something that is not part of your expertise, which will expand your understanding
- New partnerships and relationships: Collaborating has the potential to result in more than just a one-time project being accomplished. It may lead to long lasting relationships and possibly new collaborative ventures that continue to benefit you both. Collaboration also involves a certain amount of give and take. When you are able to work with someone else, they have the opportunity to work with you as well. This can serve as an excellent reference point for building your network
- Better understanding of yourself: Working with others allows you to see how you interact and respond in different environments. This can expose both strengths and weaknesses you may be unaware of. Understanding who you are as a person and how your values match up with those around you ensures effective, long-term collaborations
The benefits listed above demonstrate the positive outcomes that come from collaborating with others.
7 tips for maximizing your collaborative efforts.
- Make sure you are on the same page: Ensure you all share the same vision, especially if you don't have a previous working relationship and be clear as to what the expectations are. Before anyone starts collaborating it is important to clearly define what the goals are and how success will be measured. When everyone is clear, communication throughout the process flows easily
- Choose your collaborators carefully: Consider their expertise, experience and capabilities when making this decision. Collaborate with people who add a different dimension to your own experience and bring a complementary skill-set. Remember to partner with people who are as passionate as you are on the topic, competent to reliably perform the agreed-on tasks and open-minded and willing to assist in any way they can. Everyone should be willing to roll up their sleeves, regardless of whether or not something is in their wheelhouse
- Set boundaries and expectations: Agree on what is expected from each person, how often you will meet, the goals of the project, etc. When working with others, it is important to make sure that everyone involved knows what is expected of them and their role in the project to avoid confusion and resentment
- Iron out the communication: It is important to have a shared understanding of how the team will communicate with one another and interact throughout the project. Encourage feedback and discussion about ideas for improvement: Collaboration should be an open environment where everyone is encouraged to talk and offer ideas, even if they are not an expert on a subject. Encouraging participation from all involved will allow for better communication and networking among the group
- Be respectful when sharing ideas: Collaboration is all about being open to others' ideas and contributions. Remember that this project is not only your idea, but theirs as well. Make sure you respond to and acknowledge suggestions or feedback from others in a respectful manner even if you don't agree with them. You never want to create any "us versus them" situations. Be open-minded and listen carefully to what others have to say
- Facilitate discussions with questions that encourage open dialogue: Questions that encourage further discussion will allow everyone to communicate their ideas and opinions in a more efficient manner. These questions can also help break down any barriers or wariness that some might have about participating
- Celebrate accomplishments together! This is very important. When you reach key milestones, take a step back and think about what was accomplished. Celebrating together will not only help solidify the collaboration efforts but it will also foster more appreciation for one another's contribution to the success of the project
Final words
Collaborating can be a great way to get more work done, learn new skills and establish yourself as an expert in a given field. It can be an enjoyable experience when done right! The benefits of collaborating are clear, but what’s not so obvious is how the people who benefit from collaboration differ. Some may enjoy working with others because they don't have all the skills needed for their project or task, while some might seek out collaborators to help them stay motivated on projects that require long-term commitment.
Today, I shared seven tips for maximizing collaboration so you feel confident about what you need to do if you've been thinking about partnering on an upcoming project. If you have any additional insights or questions, please share them below. You never know who might benefit from your share.
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