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Are you living your life or simply going through the motions? For years, I was in a constant loopā€”work, support my partner, run errands, collapse. Then, life forced me to start over. And I realized Iā€™d never really thought about what I wanted my life to look like. When was the last time you evaluate...
When I divorced, I threw myself into my work. If I'm being honest, I was already throwing myself into my work well before the separation even came. It was a way to cope. I had a long commute, and I rationalized the morning drive as a great way to connect with my peeps in Europe and the evening commu...
I was so caught in the hustle. I worked crazy long hours during the week, on weekends, and while I was on vacation. At dinner time, my phone was never too far off, so I could jump on notifications. I felt like a hamster on a wheel, churning and churning with no end in sight. In fact, the work starte...
I was talking to a friend who is a senior-level female executive this week and was asking her "When you think about the women you work with, what do you think gets in their way of achieving their goals and desires?" Part of her answer was "Life balance" which makes perfect sense. And the rest of her...