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3 Reasons You’re Bored at Work apathy challenge emotions meaning ownership purpose values

The three reasons why you might be bored at work I discovered over the years and what my lessons were.

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A Guide to Following Your Righteous Path challenge choices clarity courage fulfillment happiness motivation purpose

When I was a teen trying to figure out what I wanted to do from a career standpoint, I had no clue which way to go. I did have some ideas that appealed to me, such as being a stewardess and traveling the world or becoming an interpreter for the UN, but I didn't feel called to any of them with this d...

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Challenge Your Way to Fulfillment challenge goals gratitude growth high performance innovation mindset purpose resilience success

When I was 11, my father announced that we were leaving France and moving to Brazil. He'd been a victim of downsizing and the new company he was interviewing with told him he was in if he was willing to move to Brazil. As the provider that he was, he accepted the challenge and I was soon faced with ...

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Don’t Limit Your Potential By Limiting Your Beliefs challenge courage evolution growth limiting beliefs mindset

Are you feeling stuck? Do you feel like you're not living up to your potential? It might be your limiting beliefs holding you back. Do you know what they are? Do you believe that you're not good enough, or smart enough, or pretty enough? If so, it's time stop letting your beliefs hold you back from ...

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Triggered? Here’s What You Can Do boundaries challenge coping skills discipline growth mindset relationships skill

“What the heck was that all about…?”

That’s the question I asked myself when a friend I was spending time with said something that triggered me. I couldn't figure out why it was happening, but I knew I didn’t like the feeling. My friend is a very nice person, and my reaction was disproportionately ...

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What Year 1 as an Entrepreneur Taught Me challenge clarity collaboration courage drive entrepreneurship growth health mindset resilience self-care

January 27th marks one year since I left my 9-5 to coach full-time. It hasn’t been an easy year. There was a lot to learn, many things to put in place, disappointments to be had and questions around whether or not I was doing the right thing. Today, I know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be...

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How Do You Deal with Challenges? challenge coaching frustration high performance joy network skill

It’s easy to get sidetracked when something unexpectedly falls on our lap.

Here are 5 tips you can use to help you stay the course when life decides to go sideways!

What tips do you have for dealing with challenges?

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1 Month 3 Lessons for 2022 challenge choices coping skills drive habits health

Today, I want to tell you about my last month and how things went. Sometimes, life hits you with one, two or more things that have the potential to derail you. That is exactly what happened to me this past month. I was hit with a trifecta of issues and want to share the 3 lessons I learned to start ...

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5 Ways to Be More Patient challenge choices coping skills habits ownership patience values

Have you ever had a day when things just can’t seem to go smoothly? You can't find your keys, the coffee pot is empty and so is the milk in the fridge, and then on top of it all you get stuck behind that one person who drives slow no matter what. It's enough to make anyone lose their patience! And y...

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Don't Take It Personally challenge confidence freedom growth mindset

Last week, I reached out to a friend and didn’t hear back from her. For days. And in my mind, I started wondering if she was mad at me. What had I done to make her mad? What would I need to do to make it up to her? In my mind, I was at the center of her behavior. But in fact, she was just busy with ...

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9 Tips to Grow with Ease and Joy challenge confidence determination growth mindset ownership

The last few months have been a time of growth. When I left my corporate job to build my coaching business in January, I took 3 months to deal not only with some health challenges, but also to take some time off to mark the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. Fast forward to today and...

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7 Lessons in The Pursuit of Happiness accountability challenge entrepreneurship happiness mindset ownership

This past week, I turned 52 and I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. Did I want to celebrate, or did I want to let it be just another day and double down on work? I am after all, in the middle of trying to build a coaching business. Could I afford to take the time for myself? And if I did, would I enj...

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