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Drawing the Line: 3 Steps to Setting Healthy Boundaries boundaries clarity communication compromise self-care values


“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others” - Brené Brown


Here I was. It was 2 am. I had been in the office since before 8 am, and I was on a conference call.

I was working for an international company in Singapore. That mea...

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5 Small but Powerful Ways to Shift Others' Perceptions of You assertive authenticity clarity perceptions question self-care self-doubt

Sometimes we make a bad first impression.

Sometimes people hear things about us before they even know us and form a negative opinion.

Sometimes we do something stupid and we hurt a relationship.

Sometimes we encounter resistance from people around us when we try to do something new because the...

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Are You Stuck in Paralysis by Analysis? action alignment career clarity legacy purpose

Paralysis by Analysis - Analysis Paralysis.

I've heard it both ways and either gets in the way of our progress.

Over the years, I've had my share of paralytic moments!

And when I talk to my clients they often say the same thing: "I'd love to leave my job to follow a bigger purpose, but I don't know how...

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A Guide to Following Your Righteous Path challenge choices clarity courage fulfillment happiness motivation purpose

When I was a teen trying to figure out what I wanted to do from a career standpoint, I had no clue which way to go. I did have some ideas that appealed to me, such as being a stewardess and traveling the world or becoming an interpreter for the UN, but I didn't feel called to any of them with this d...

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3 Steps to Managing Uncertainty clarity coping skills growth mindset teamwork uncertainty

I used to be someone whose primary human drive was certainty and to a certain extent, I still am. So when I decided to leave my corporate job, the fear of the unknown became very much front and center. Gone were the days of a steady paycheck, 401Ks, knowing more or less what I could expect when I we...

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The Path to Fulfillment balance career clarity fulfillment goal setting

I was talking to a friend who is a senior-level female executive this week and was asking her "When you think about the women you work with, what do you think gets in their way of achieving their goals and desires?" Part of her answer was "Life balance" which makes perfect sense. And the rest of her...

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Stress Management 101 clarity courage energy influence productivity stress

I woke up again in a cold sweat with my heart beating out of my chest. It was happening increasingly often. But the worst part was not being able to go back to sleep. That was my life for many years! And then, my stepdaughter came to live with us. She was plagued by several issues which meant that h...

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The Trap of Procrastination clarity confidence frustration habits mindset procrastination productivity success

“I can’t believe it’s already noon!”

I said these exact words, not more than 10 minutes ago, as I started emptying the dishwasher. This was after I took the time to clean the rest of the kitchen, start the laundry, clear out some of my inbox, check out what was going on, on social media and eat som...

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What Year 1 as an Entrepreneur Taught Me challenge clarity collaboration courage drive entrepreneurship growth health mindset resilience self-care

January 27th marks one year since I left my 9-5 to coach full-time. It hasn’t been an easy year. There was a lot to learn, many things to put in place, disappointments to be had and questions around whether or not I was doing the right thing. Today, I know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be...

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How to Set Boundaries That Stick boundaries clarity habits integrity relationships self-care

How many times have you set boundaries with someone, and they completely ignored them? It's frustrating, isn't it? And often leads to us feeling like we're not worth anything. In this blog post, we're going to talk about how to set boundaries that actually stick.

If you want to be successful, you n...

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3 Steps to Set Yourself Up for a Winning Year clarity goal setting habits high performance mindset ownership success

Aaaaand….. It’s goal setting time again! It’s actually one of my favorite times of the year. It’s a moment filled with reflection, celebration and hope at the year to come. It’s a moment when we get to spend time with friends and family and with ourselves as we think about what we’ve been through, a...

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Are You Willing to Bet on Yourself? clarity coaching confidence growth high performance intention leadership mindset success

Do you trust yourself to get things done, to take your life where you want it to go? 

We all have moments of uncertainty, but there are some questions we can ask ourselves that can help to guide us and put a spotlight on the areas that we need to pay attention to.

Answer these 5 and start walking more...

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