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How Do You Deal with Challenges? challenge coaching frustration high performance joy network skill

It’s easy to get sidetracked when something unexpectedly falls on our lap.

Here are 5 tips you can use to help you stay the course when life decides to go sideways!

What tips do you have for dealing with challenges?

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What Kind of Life Are You Living? choices coaching evolution growth high performance intention mindset

There are three types of lives we could be living:
- A Caged life 😖
- A Comfortable life 🙃
- A Charged life 🤩

Have a listen as to why the Comfortable life is, in my view, the most "dangerous" one and 5 ways you can get out of it.

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Are You Willing to Bet on Yourself? clarity coaching confidence growth high performance intention leadership mindset success

Do you trust yourself to get things done, to take your life where you want it to go? 

We all have moments of uncertainty, but there are some questions we can ask ourselves that can help to guide us and put a spotlight on the areas that we need to pay attention to.

Answer these 5 and start walking more...

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Growth or Fixed? What's Your Mindset? coaching confidence discipline growth intention mindset

I explain the difference between having a Growth vs. Fixed mindset and give you 5 simple strategies for developing a growth mindset.

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3 Practices to Living Intentionally accountability coaching discipline goal setting habits intention success

Do you find yourself feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and completely unfulfilled? That was me for a long time. I had a good career, a side gig, a wonderful boyfriend, and awesome friends, but there I was. I had what most would consider a great life, including myself and yet I was not showing up with ...

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What is Coaching? coaching growth life change success
We hear a lot about coaching and there are many coaches out there delivering value and supporting their clients, but do you know what it is we actually do?
Today, I share a little bit of insight into what coaching is and specifically what makes High Performance Coaching different.
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What Is High Performance? coaching high performance mindset

A quick definition of High Performance and how it feels to be living from your best self everyday, along with topline correlations of High Performance with different aspects of life.

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What is the Role of a Coach? coaching mindset

My take on what coaching is all about; what I do and do not do.

We all have a purpose to fulfill in life and being coach is it for me. If you're interested to read my point of view on what experiences are valuable for coaches, you can do so here.

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Transitioning from Corporate to Entrepreneurship coaching discipline entrepreneurship fear freedom life change

A little bit of my history, transitioning from Corporate to Coaching, my first few days and a BIG thank you!

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