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When I came out of my divorce, I felt unworthy, and I had been so focused on us as a couple and supporting him and his business that I was completely unsure of myself.
As I journeyed down my personal development, I discovered affirmations. I used them quite a lot to help me shift my thinking. I eve...
I started grieving my marriage before I was divorced. I chose to leave so I had the time to get emotionally prepared for the end. Grieving a relationship, either because of divorce or separation, isn't any different than death. It is a death of a different kind. I grieved an ideal that never was, th...
I used to be someone whose primary human drive was certainty and to a certain extent, I still am. So when I decided to leave my corporate job, the fear of the unknown became very much front and center. Gone were the days of a steady paycheck, 401Ks, knowing more or less what I could expect when I we...
A couple of weeks ago, I sat on the couch next to my honey and said “I don’t know if I can keep this up.” I was in a slump. I felt like I was doing so much for so little return that it hardly seemed worth the effort. We talked through it. It helped to, as we say in French, empty my bag. I know I am ...
5:30 am. I'm laying in bed bleary-eyed, having just turned off my alarm. I think I slept OK, but I’m still exhausted and the thought of going to work seems more than I can bear again today. And yet... I sit up and hang my legs off the side of the bed, mustering the oomph to get out of bed and into t...
I was reminiscing about my days in corporate recently and I remembered something that happened years ago. It was late in the day or early evening, and I was still plugging away because I had a big presentation coming up in a few days Sitting in the office next to me was my teammate who was doing pre...
"Ugh... I just don't have it in me..."
"Ugh... I just don't feel like it..."
"Ugh… I just don’t care…”
Do you find yourself saying that more often in the last few months? I have days when it seems to be all I say to myself and other days where it's not even a blip on the radar. When we're in a state ...
“What the heck was that all about…?”
That’s the question I asked myself when a friend I was spending time with said something that triggered me. I couldn't figure out why it was happening, but I knew I didn’t like the feeling. My friend is a very nice person, and my reaction was disproportionately ...
Today, I want to tell you about my last month and how things went. Sometimes, life hits you with one, two or more things that have the potential to derail you. That is exactly what happened to me this past month. I was hit with a trifecta of issues and want to share the 3 lessons I learned to start ...
Have you ever had a day when things just can’t seem to go smoothly? You can't find your keys, the coffee pot is empty and so is the milk in the fridge, and then on top of it all you get stuck behind that one person who drives slow no matter what. It's enough to make anyone lose their patience! And y...
Do you get angry when people say certain things and lash out? Do you feel frustrated when things don’t go your way? Do you dwell on the negative emotions and struggle to find a way out?
I spoke with a young lady this week who has a habit of letting her emotions get in the way and who struggles with...
I have moved from one place to another my whole life. I’ve lived on 4 of the 7 continents and 9 countries. Anytime you move, it’s jarring to the system. As a kid of age to remember the experience, it felt like my whole world was falling apart. I was losing all my friends, my landmarks, everything th...