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How Failure Prepared Me to Be an Entrepreneur determination failure innovation lessons reframe success

The 6 lessons I learned through numerous failures in my own life and how these are helping me in my entrepreneurial journey!

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9 Tips to Grow with Ease and Joy challenge confidence determination growth mindset ownership

The last few months have been a time of growth. When I left my corporate job to build my coaching business in January, I took 3 months to deal not only with some health challenges, but also to take some time off to mark the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. Fast forward to today and...

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Drive: The 3rd D to Success challenge determination discipline drive mindset

Dana Lynn Bailey said “If you have Discipline, Drive and Determination, nothing is impossible”. In the past couple of weeks, we covered both Determination and Discipline.

Determination is having a firmness of purpose. It is knowing what you want to accomplish and being single focused in reaching th...

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Determination: One of the Three D's to Success challenge confidence courage determination discipline mindset perseverance

Today I want to talk about determination. It’s not an exaggeration to say that determination is one of the most important qualities you can possess if you want to succeed in life and business. Early in my corporate career, I worked in a team of high performing individuals. At the time, I was having ...

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