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Rewriting the Script: Using Affirmations to Thrive After Divorce affirmations confidence coping skills divorce emotions

When I came out of my divorce, I felt unworthy, and I had been so focused on us as a couple and supporting him and his business that I was completely unsure of myself.

As I journeyed down my personal development, I discovered affirmations. I used them quite a lot to help me shift my thinking. I eve...

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The Art of Setting Boundaries: Protecting Your Peace After Separation boundaries communication divorce guidelines ownership peace of mind

When I separated from my husband, I felt emotionally raw and vulnerable. I had never established boundaries or prioritized my needs in our marriage. Hence, I needed to get into the habit of doing that to protect myself when I began dating again.ย 

Setting boundaries is a crucial skill that can help ...

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5 Stages of Grief After Divorce coping skills divorce grief heal

I started grieving my marriage before I was divorced. I chose to leave so I had the time to get emotionally prepared for the end. Grieving a relationship, either because of divorce or separation, isn't any different than death. It is a death of a different kind. I grieved an ideal that never was, th...

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Rediscovering Your Authentic Self After Separation divorce growth identity love recovery self-discovery self-talk separation

I saw my parents get divorced after 25 years of marriage, and I thought, โ€œIโ€™ll never do that. If I ever marry, itโ€™ll be for life!โ€ Little did I know that 20 years later, I would embark on the same journey. My former husband and I had been together ten years when we finally called it quits. We had bo...

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What I Learned From My Divorce divorce evolution happiness life change love relationships

I was taken aback by how blue and smiling his eyes were. When we saw each other across the room for the first time I was smitten. Everything moved so fast from there. We dated, moved in together and a little over a year later, we walked down the aisle with promises of everlasting love.

When it came...

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