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Don’t Limit Your Potential By Limiting Your Beliefs challenge courage evolution growth limiting beliefs mindset

Are you feeling stuck? Do you feel like you're not living up to your potential? It might be your limiting beliefs holding you back. Do you know what they are? Do you believe that you're not good enough, or smart enough, or pretty enough? If so, it's time stop letting your beliefs hold you back from ...

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What Kind of Life Are You Living? choices coaching evolution growth high performance intention mindset

There are three types of lives we could be living:
- A Caged life 😖
- A Comfortable life 🙃
- A Charged life 🤩

Have a listen as to why the Comfortable life is, in my view, the most "dangerous" one and 5 ways you can get out of it.

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9 Lessons in Adaptability from the Animal Kingdom adaptability collaboration coping skills evolution growth perseverance

I have moved from one place to another my whole life. I’ve lived on 4 of the 7 continents and 9 countries. Anytime you move, it’s jarring to the system. As a kid of age to remember the experience, it felt like my whole world was falling apart. I was losing all my friends, my landmarks, everything th...

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7 Steps to Greater Clarity in Your Life clarity evolution goal setting habits mindset ownership

“You must first clearly see a thing in your mind before you can do it.” – Alex Morrison

Do you remember playing Blind Man’s Bluff when you were a kid? If not, let me refresh your memory. It’s a variation of Tag, where the person who is “It” is blindfolded and must find other players around the room...

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What I Learned From My Divorce divorce evolution happiness life change love relationships

I was taken aback by how blue and smiling his eyes were. When we saw each other across the room for the first time I was smitten. Everything moved so fast from there. We dated, moved in together and a little over a year later, we walked down the aisle with promises of everlasting love.

When it came...

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5 Ways to Deal With the Trap of Perfectionism challenge evolution freedom habits life change mindset productivity

It's hard for many women to think of progress in terms other than perfection. We're constantly striving for the perfect life: perfect body, perfect job, perfect kids. We’re told that we need to be the best, and if we don't measure up, we're worthless. This mentality has been drilled into us for cent...

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Change Leads to Re-evaluation and Growth evolution life change mindset

So you've made a big life change OR you want to change your life one one way or another... Now what do you do?

That's the question I was faced with after I left my job and the corporate environment, following a 30 year career. Even though I knew it was the right decision and I knew what I wanted to...

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