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When we live our lives with constant FOMO, that introduces chaos.
However, if we can move from FOMO to JOMO (the Joy of Missing Out), we can live a life that is calmer, more at peace, and more fulfilling.
We learn to listen to what our heart has to say and we get back in alignment with and live ...
5:30 am. I'm laying in bed bleary-eyed, having just turned off my alarm. I think I slept OK, but Iām still exhausted and the thought of going to work seems more than I can bear again today. And yet... I sit up and hang my legs off the side of the bed, mustering the oomph to get out of bed and into t...
I learned a valuable lesson last week. Wednesday started well enough. I woke up, went walking, meditated, and then I made the mistake of opening the wrong app on my phone. Fast forward 8 hours and dazed and confused, I realized I had spent the entire day playing Bubble Pop on my phone. WHAT??? You m...