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Get Unstuck By Breaking Old Paradigms celebrate choices courage freedom growth life change paradigm stuck

We all know what it feels like to be stuck in a rut. You're going through the motions day after day, but you can't help feeling like there's more to life than this. That's where I was 2020, the year before leaving my 9-5. Some of it was COVID related, some of it was family stress related. I felt lik...

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Don't Take It Personally challenge confidence freedom growth mindset

Last week, I reached out to a friend and didn’t hear back from her. For days. And in my mind, I started wondering if she was mad at me. What had I done to make her mad? What would I need to do to make it up to her? In my mind, I was at the center of her behavior. But in fact, she was just busy with ...

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Are you living in a prison of your own making? abundance freedom growth happiness mindset
Let go of old grudges and resentments this Thanksgiving so you can make room for more abundance and joy in your life!
Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🍽🍁!!!
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Are you living YOUR life? authenticity freedom high performance life change

Are you living YOUR life?

If not, I encourage you to take some time to think about what you love and what you want this week!

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7 Steps to Taking Your Power Back confidence coping skills freedom frustration habits mindset ownership

Do you get angry when people say certain things and lash out? Do you feel frustrated when things don’t go your way? Do you dwell on the negative emotions and struggle to find a way out?

I spoke with a young lady this week who has a habit of letting her emotions get in the way and who struggles with...

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9 Habits to Gain Confidence confidence entrepreneurship freedom goal setting habits mindset ownership relationships

Self-confidence doesn’t always come easy, especially in this day and age. Trolls are everywhere and we are constantly bombarded with messages that tear down our self-esteem and tell us we're not good enough. But the truth of the matter is you are enough! You just need some more practice believing in...

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Habits: Out With the Old - In With the New! challenge coping skills discipline energy freedom growth habits life change mindset perseverance

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but I disagree.

I moved to America in the mid 80’s after leaving a warm, Latin cultural background. This was in stark contrast to the more distant, Anglo-Saxon culture of boundaries and personal space and I felt lost, like I didn’t belong. Coming fro...

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3 Ways to 5X Your Productivity Without Burning Out burnout discipline freedom goal setting habits mindset ownership productivity

When I first struck out on my own, I found myself doing a lot to make sure my business would be successful. Over the course of the last month, I have been paying closer attention to the things that I do and came to a surprising realization. I’ve been busy, but I haven’t always been productive.


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6 Ways to Manage your Mental and Emotional Energies challenge coping skills discipline energy freedom habits mindset productivity

Last week, I shared 5 ways to manage our physical energy. Those were:

  1. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep
  2. Eating foods that are good for your body and your brain
  3. Finding a workout that works for you and moving your butt!
  4. Drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day
  5. Having a solid morning r
  6. ...
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5 Ways to Deal With the Trap of Perfectionism challenge evolution freedom habits life change mindset productivity

It's hard for many women to think of progress in terms other than perfection. We're constantly striving for the perfect life: perfect body, perfect job, perfect kids. We’re told that we need to be the best, and if we don't measure up, we're worthless. This mentality has been drilled into us for cent...

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7 Steps for Staying on Track in your Growth Journey challenge discipline freedom goal setting habits mindset

Have you ever heard people say “Honor the Struggle”? Over the last few years, I have heard it many times and I have been thinking about it quite a lot lately as I continue on my journey of entrepreneurship. 

Honoring the struggle encapsulates a couple of things. 1. When we start a new goal, change ...

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5 Questions to Ask to Get Past Fear fear freedom growth mindset

Have you ever known you just HAD to do something or make a decision about something, but were unsure or scared how to proceed?

So, let's talk about fear. First, how is it defined? Well, fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, ...

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