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Why YOU Must Be Your #1 Goal After Divorce goals heal let go priorities

This is the time of the year when we all set goals. No doubt you've been hearing a lot about how to do that and probably as much as about how not to set goals. The objective is always the same. We set goals to grow, advance, and succeed. Once we're clear, we strive to meet and exceed them so that we...

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Willpower vs. Wantpower: Leveraging Both for Success control distractions goals motivation self-care success values willpower

Last week, we went to a dinner party. The hostess was wonderful and made all kinds of yummy foods. I have struggled with my weight since I moved to the US. Culturally, America was very different from my previous living experiences. I was 15 and felt like a fish out of water. To be honest, I was mise...

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Challenge Your Way to Fulfillment challenge goals gratitude growth high performance innovation mindset purpose resilience success

When I was 11, my father announced that we were leaving France and moving to Brazil. He'd been a victim of downsizing and the new company he was interviewing with told him he was in if he was willing to move to Brazil. As the provider that he was, he accepted the challenge and I was soon faced with ...

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