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From Coffee Dates to Forever Love: How I Dove Back into Dating boundaries dating growth relationship vision

The mere thought of going back to dating today is enough to keep me celibate for the rest of my life. But I couldn’t wait to dive back in when my divorce went through. I reflected on my 10 years of marriage and saw everything I missed out on because we had been so busy working and building a busines...

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5 Confidence Boosters Post Separation confidence courage energy growth self-care self-love

After going through a separation or divorce, our self-confidence can take a hit. I put on a good facade. After all, I had left, so I didn't feel I had the "right" to feel unsure. But I remember feeling insecure and unlovable, and I threw myself into my work. I worked crazy hours because that was whe...

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Rediscovering Your Authentic Self After Separation divorce growth identity love recovery self-discovery self-talk separation

I saw my parents get divorced after 25 years of marriage, and I thought, “I’ll never do that. If I ever marry, it’ll be for life!” Little did I know that 20 years later, I would embark on the same journey. My former husband and I had been together ten years when we finally called it quits. We had bo...

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Challenge Your Way to Fulfillment challenge goals gratitude growth high performance innovation mindset purpose resilience success

When I was 11, my father announced that we were leaving France and moving to Brazil. He'd been a victim of downsizing and the new company he was interviewing with told him he was in if he was willing to move to Brazil. As the provider that he was, he accepted the challenge and I was soon faced with ...

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3 Steps to Managing Uncertainty clarity coping skills growth mindset teamwork uncertainty

I used to be someone whose primary human drive was certainty and to a certain extent, I still am. So when I decided to leave my corporate job, the fear of the unknown became very much front and center. Gone were the days of a steady paycheck, 401Ks, knowing more or less what I could expect when I we...

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Aim to Live a Life of Purpose choices fulfillment growth life change purpose values

51 years. That's how long it took me, not to find my purpose, but to understand when I felt most on purpose. See, for me, the piano of purpose didn’t one day fall on my head and wake me up with a grand, new ambition and desire. Until recently, I’ve lived most of my life in and out of purpose. So, ho...

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Mid-Year Review Process goal setting growth intention

June is the perfect time of the month to recalibrate how we're doing against the goals we've set for ourselves.

In this video, I share my review process and a free tool which can help you get some visibility and insights as to where you might want to focus the next 6 months.

You can access it by...

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Don’t Limit Your Potential By Limiting Your Beliefs challenge courage evolution growth limiting beliefs mindset

Are you feeling stuck? Do you feel like you're not living up to your potential? It might be your limiting beliefs holding you back. Do you know what they are? Do you believe that you're not good enough, or smart enough, or pretty enough? If so, it's time stop letting your beliefs hold you back from ...

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Get Unstuck By Breaking Old Paradigms celebrate choices courage freedom growth life change paradigm stuck

We all know what it feels like to be stuck in a rut. You're going through the motions day after day, but you can't help feeling like there's more to life than this. That's where I was 2020, the year before leaving my 9-5. Some of it was COVID related, some of it was family stress related. I felt lik...

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Success Seeker vs. Failure Avoider Mindset choices fear growth mindset ownership success

We are all born dreamers. When we're children, we marvel at the world. We have tea parties with imaginary friends, we role play and imagine ourselves as police(wo)men, doctors, actresses or fire marshals. Growing up, we pay attention to everything we see and hear. And that's one way our beliefs abou...

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Triggered? Here’s What You Can Do boundaries challenge coping skills discipline growth mindset relationships skill

“What the heck was that all about…?”

That’s the question I asked myself when a friend I was spending time with said something that triggered me. I couldn't figure out why it was happening, but I knew I didn’t like the feeling. My friend is a very nice person, and my reaction was disproportionately ...

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Want To Upgrade Your Life? Get Curious curiosity growth habits joy life change relationships trust

“What the heck do I do now…?”

That’s the question I asked myself the day after I walked away from my 9-5. I had made the decision to leave a 30-year corporate career to follow a passion. I woke up without an alarm for the first time in a long time, feeling excited and at the same time, uncertain. I...

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