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Challenge Your Way to Fulfillment challenge goals gratitude growth high performance innovation mindset purpose resilience success

When I was 11, my father announced that we were leaving France and moving to Brazil. He'd been a victim of downsizing and the new company he was interviewing with told him he was in if he was willing to move to Brazil. As the provider that he was, he accepted the challenge and I was soon faced with ...

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You've Lost Your Motivation. Now what? boundaries coping skills goal setting high performance mindset motivation

A couple of weeks ago, I sat on the couch next to my honey and said “I don’t know if I can keep this up.” I was in a slump. I felt like I was doing so much for so little return that it hardly seemed worth the effort. We talked through it. It helped to, as we say in French, empty my bag. I know I am ...

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Apathy: Get Out of the Funk and Back In the Fun! apathy choices coping skills energy happiness high performance mindset values

"Ugh... I just don't have it in me..."
"Ugh... I just don't feel like it..."
"Ugh… I just don’t care…”

Do you find yourself saying that more often in the last few months? I have days when it seems to be all I say to myself and other days where it's not even a blip on the radar. When we're in a state ...

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How Do You Deal with Challenges? challenge coaching frustration high performance joy network skill

It’s easy to get sidetracked when something unexpectedly falls on our lap.

Here are 5 tips you can use to help you stay the course when life decides to go sideways!

What tips do you have for dealing with challenges?

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What Kind of Life Are You Living? choices coaching evolution growth high performance intention mindset

There are three types of lives we could be living:
- A Caged life 😖
- A Comfortable life 🙃
- A Charged life 🤩

Have a listen as to why the Comfortable life is, in my view, the most "dangerous" one and 5 ways you can get out of it.

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3 Steps to Set Yourself Up for a Winning Year clarity goal setting habits high performance mindset ownership success

Aaaaand….. It’s goal setting time again! It’s actually one of my favorite times of the year. It’s a moment filled with reflection, celebration and hope at the year to come. It’s a moment when we get to spend time with friends and family and with ourselves as we think about what we’ve been through, a...

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Are You Willing to Bet on Yourself? clarity coaching confidence growth high performance intention leadership mindset success

Do you trust yourself to get things done, to take your life where you want it to go? 

We all have moments of uncertainty, but there are some questions we can ask ourselves that can help to guide us and put a spotlight on the areas that we need to pay attention to.

Answer these 5 and start walking more...

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How to Show Up As Your Best Self choices discipline growth high performance intention mindset respond values

What happens when things don't go your way? Do you react or do you respond?

Having the ability to respond is critical in managing your stress and maintaining healthy relationships.

My challenge to you this week is to take a step back next time a situation arises that throws you off your game.

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Are you living YOUR life? authenticity freedom high performance life change

Are you living YOUR life?

If not, I encourage you to take some time to think about what you love and what you want this week!

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7 People Skills of Great Leaders high performance leadership mindset productivity

When you listen to great leaders, they have this charismatic personality which allows them rally the troops and inspire them. It’s not only about who they are at their core, which we talked about last week, but how they show up for and support others. And it's not just within their own team. They ha...

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What are your values? choices high performance integrity intention mindset values

Do you know your values and what you stand for?

It’s a question I ask myself often.

How about you?

Knowing your values and what you stand for helps you make the right choices and decisions.

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Developing Discipline: 5 Success Strategies courage discipline fear growth habits high performance mindset productivity

Last week I talked about determination being one of the 3 Ds to success. Today, I want to talk about discipline. Having discipline means working when you don't feel like it, doing the hard things you know will move the needle and acting not with your desire for immediate gratification in mind, but t...

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