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Well…. You made it through Thanksgiving and Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza, and whatever you celebrate is here. Depending on how "freshly" single you are, it can be a time of celebration or melancholy. Being around family may feel overwhelming. You may feel you need to spend some time on your own to re...
Are you living your life or simply going through the motions? For years, I was in a constant loop—work, support my partner, run errands, collapse. Then, life forced me to start over. And I realized I’d never really thought about what I wanted my life to look like. When was the last time you evaluate...
What would you do if you had one hour every day just for yourself, with no obligations, no worries, and no one to please? Sometimes, it's easy to get swallowed up by a relationship and forget your needs and passions are important, too. That's what happened to me, and when I found myself single again...
In the last few years, I discovered I’m right in the middle of the Introvert/Extrovert personality trait; I love spending time with friends as much as I love coming home and spending time by myself or in my sanctuary. When I divorced, I discovered I loved being on my own. I had no one to tell me wha...
“What the heck do I do now…?”
That’s the question I asked myself the day after I walked away from my 9-5. I had made the decision to leave a 30-year corporate career to follow a passion. I woke up without an alarm for the first time in a long time, feeling excited and at the same time, uncertain. I...
I hope you all are having a great start to your week! Today, I want to start with a question: when was the last time you celebrated a win? If you can’t remember, then it’s been too long! Did you know that when we celebrate our wins, we're more likely to achieve even more successes?
Since I started...
It’s easy to get sidetracked when something unexpectedly falls on our lap.
Here are 5 tips you can use to help you stay the course when life decides to go sideways!
What tips do you have for dealing with challenges?