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Life After Divorce: A Simple Exercise to Reclaim Balance and Joy in Your New Chapter balance joy life change questions wheel of life

Are you living your life or simply going through the motions? For years, I was in a constant loop—work, support my partner, run errands, collapse. Then, life forced me to start over. And I realized I’d never really thought about what I wanted my life to look like. When was the last time you evaluate...

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Aim to Live a Life of Purpose choices fulfillment growth life change purpose values

51 years. That's how long it took me, not to find my purpose, but to understand when I felt most on purpose. See, for me, the piano of purpose didn’t one day fall on my head and wake me up with a grand, new ambition and desire. Until recently, I’ve lived most of my life in and out of purpose. So, ho...

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Get Unstuck By Breaking Old Paradigms celebrate choices courage freedom growth life change paradigm stuck

We all know what it feels like to be stuck in a rut. You're going through the motions day after day, but you can't help feeling like there's more to life than this. That's where I was 2020, the year before leaving my 9-5. Some of it was COVID related, some of it was family stress related. I felt lik...

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Want To Upgrade Your Life? Get Curious curiosity growth habits joy life change relationships trust

“What the heck do I do now…?”

That’s the question I asked myself the day after I walked away from my 9-5. I had made the decision to leave a 30-year corporate career to follow a passion. I woke up without an alarm for the first time in a long time, feeling excited and at the same time, uncertain. I...

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Are you living YOUR life? authenticity freedom high performance life change

Are you living YOUR life?

If not, I encourage you to take some time to think about what you love and what you want this week!

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What is Coaching? coaching growth life change success
We hear a lot about coaching and there are many coaches out there delivering value and supporting their clients, but do you know what it is we actually do?
Today, I share a little bit of insight into what coaching is and specifically what makes High Performance Coaching different.
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How to Live a Life of Integrity authenticity congruence discipline entrepreneurship growth integrity life change ownership

Showing up with integrity. What does that mean? When I think about how I lead my life, it’s all about doing what is right versus doing what is convenient. While I endeavor to live in integrity, last night was a perfect example of not living in integrity.

I’ve been striving to get in the best health...

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9 Lessons from My Entrepreneurial Journey confidence entrepreneurship growth life change mindset productivity

It has been 8 months since I left my corporate job to launch my coaching business. I was first certified in 2016 and had been trying to “work my side gig” while still working full time but, the demands of the job made it very difficult to make significant headway. I took the plunge after a friend of...

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Habits: Out With the Old - In With the New! challenge coping skills discipline energy freedom growth habits life change mindset perseverance

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but I disagree.

I moved to America in the mid 80’s after leaving a warm, Latin cultural background. This was in stark contrast to the more distant, Anglo-Saxon culture of boundaries and personal space and I felt lost, like I didn’t belong. Coming fro...

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What I Learned From My Divorce divorce evolution happiness life change love relationships

I was taken aback by how blue and smiling his eyes were. When we saw each other across the room for the first time I was smitten. Everything moved so fast from there. We dated, moved in together and a little over a year later, we walked down the aisle with promises of everlasting love.

When it came...

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5 Ways to Deal With the Trap of Perfectionism challenge evolution freedom habits life change mindset productivity

It's hard for many women to think of progress in terms other than perfection. We're constantly striving for the perfect life: perfect body, perfect job, perfect kids. We’re told that we need to be the best, and if we don't measure up, we're worthless. This mentality has been drilled into us for cent...

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Change Leads to Re-evaluation and Growth evolution life change mindset

So you've made a big life change OR you want to change your life one one way or another... Now what do you do?

That's the question I was faced with after I left my job and the corporate environment, following a 30 year career. Even though I knew it was the right decision and I knew what I wanted to...

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