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Willpower vs. Wantpower: Leveraging Both for Success control distractions goals motivation self-care success values willpower

Last week, we went to a dinner party. The hostess was wonderful and made all kinds of yummy foods. I have struggled with my weight since I moved to the US. Culturally, America was very different from my previous living experiences. I was 15 and felt like a fish out of water. To be honest, I was mise...

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A Guide to Following Your Righteous Path challenge choices clarity courage fulfillment happiness motivation purpose

When I was a teen trying to figure out what I wanted to do from a career standpoint, I had no clue which way to go. I did have some ideas that appealed to me, such as being a stewardess and traveling the world or becoming an interpreter for the UN, but I didn't feel called to any of them with this d...

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You've Lost Your Motivation. Now what? boundaries coping skills goal setting high performance mindset motivation

A couple of weeks ago, I sat on the couch next to my honey and said β€œI don’t know if I can keep this up.” I was in a slump. I felt like I was doing so much for so little return that it hardly seemed worth the effort. We talked through it. It helped to, as we say in French, empty my bag. I know I am ...

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