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Life After Divorce: A Simple Exercise to Reclaim Balance and Joy in Your New Chapter balance joy life change questions wheel of life

Are you living your life or simply going through the motions? For years, I was in a constant loopā€”work, support my partner, run errands, collapse. Then, life forced me to start over. And I realized Iā€™d never really thought about what I wanted my life to look like. When was the last time you evaluate...

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Rediscovering Your Identity: Who Are You Beyond 'Wife' or 'Mother' celebrate journal questions self-discovery

When I left my husband, my life had become so intertwined with his that I forgot who I was. While married, we did what he liked to do. We seldom ventured far from home because of his health. We often ate at the same restaurants.Ā 

As someone who traveled the world growing up, liked to experience new...

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