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Willpower vs. Wantpower: Leveraging Both for Success control distractions goals motivation self-care success values willpower

Last week, we went to a dinner party. The hostess was wonderful and made all kinds of yummy foods. I have struggled with my weight since I moved to the US. Culturally, America was very different from my previous living experiences. I was 15 and felt like a fish out of water. To be honest, I was mise...

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How Failure Prepared Me to Be an Entrepreneur determination failure innovation lessons reframe success

The 6 lessons I learned through numerous failures in my own life and how these are helping me in my entrepreneurial journey!

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Challenge Your Way to Fulfillment challenge goals gratitude growth high performance innovation mindset purpose resilience success

When I was 11, my father announced that we were leaving France and moving to Brazil. He'd been a victim of downsizing and the new company he was interviewing with told him he was in if he was willing to move to Brazil. As the provider that he was, he accepted the challenge and I was soon faced with ...

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Success Seeker vs. Failure Avoider Mindset choices fear growth mindset ownership success

We are all born dreamers. When we're children, we marvel at the world. We have tea parties with imaginary friends, we role play and imagine ourselves as police(wo)men, doctors, actresses or fire marshals. Growing up, we pay attention to everything we see and hear. And that's one way our beliefs abou...

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The Trap of Procrastination clarity confidence frustration habits mindset procrastination productivity success

“I can’t believe it’s already noon!”

I said these exact words, not more than 10 minutes ago, as I started emptying the dishwasher. This was after I took the time to clean the rest of the kitchen, start the laundry, clear out some of my inbox, check out what was going on, on social media and eat som...

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The Power of Celebrating Wins celebrate confidence energy gratitude happiness joy mindset success win

I hope you all are having a great start to your week! Today, I want to start with a question: when was the last time you celebrated a win? If you can’t remember, then it’s been  too long! Did you know that when we celebrate our wins, we're more likely to achieve even more successes?

Since I started...

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Your 6 Must-Have Relationships to Thrive collaboration habits leadership relationships success teamwork

Most of us know that having a strong network of supportive relationships is key to achieving success in life. We can do a lot on our own, but when we have a support system that encourages, supports and chellenges us, we can go a lot further. Many don't realize however, that relationships come in all...

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3 Steps to Set Yourself Up for a Winning Year clarity goal setting habits high performance mindset ownership success

Aaaaand….. It’s goal setting time again! It’s actually one of my favorite times of the year. It’s a moment filled with reflection, celebration and hope at the year to come. It’s a moment when we get to spend time with friends and family and with ourselves as we think about what we’ve been through, a...

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Are You Willing to Bet on Yourself? clarity coaching confidence growth high performance intention leadership mindset success

Do you trust yourself to get things done, to take your life where you want it to go? 

We all have moments of uncertainty, but there are some questions we can ask ourselves that can help to guide us and put a spotlight on the areas that we need to pay attention to.

Answer these 5 and start walking more...

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3 Practices to Living Intentionally accountability coaching discipline goal setting habits intention success

Do you find yourself feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and completely unfulfilled? That was me for a long time. I had a good career, a side gig, a wonderful boyfriend, and awesome friends, but there I was. I had what most would consider a great life, including myself and yet I was not showing up with ...

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What is Coaching? coaching growth life change success
We hear a lot about coaching and there are many coaches out there delivering value and supporting their clients, but do you know what it is we actually do?
Today, I share a little bit of insight into what coaching is and specifically what makes High Performance Coaching different.
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