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I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I had a big presentation coming up I needed to finalize. But it wasn't only the presentation but the sampling and all of the other goodies we were going to bring to make the presentation more interactive. I was in full firefighting mode and ...
I learned a valuable lesson last week. Wednesday started well enough. I woke up, went walking, meditated, and then I made the mistake of opening the wrong app on my phone. Fast forward 8 hours and dazed and confused, I realized I had spent the entire day playing Bubble Pop on my phone. WHAT??? You m...
Have you heard of Pieter Mondrian? He was a Dutch painter whose creativity and artwork evolved drastically after WWI. He went from painting trees and landscapes to using bold colors and structure in his art. I’m sure you’ve seen some of this later works. Here’s an example:
Now, you may wonder “wh...
I woke up again in a cold sweat with my heart beating out of my chest. It was happening increasingly often. But the worst part was not being able to go back to sleep. That was my life for many years! And then, my stepdaughter came to live with us. She was plagued by several issues which meant that h...
“I can’t believe it’s already noon!”
I said these exact words, not more than 10 minutes ago, as I started emptying the dishwasher. This was after I took the time to clean the rest of the kitchen, start the laundry, clear out some of my inbox, check out what was going on, on social media and eat som...
When you listen to great leaders, they have this charismatic personality which allows them rally the troops and inspire them. It’s not only about who they are at their core, which we talked about last week, but how they show up for and support others. And it's not just within their own team. They ha...
It has been 8 months since I left my corporate job to launch my coaching business. I was first certified in 2016 and had been trying to “work my side gig” while still working full time but, the demands of the job made it very difficult to make significant headway. I took the plunge after a friend of...
Last week I talked about determination being one of the 3 Ds to success. Today, I want to talk about discipline. Having discipline means working when you don't feel like it, doing the hard things you know will move the needle and acting not with your desire for immediate gratification in mind, but t...
It’s been 6 months to the day since I left my corporate job. As I reflect on my journey, I can see how I came to this decision. When I was in my 20s and 30s, I chased the titles, the recognition and the money. As I got older, my priorities began to shift. I started looking inward more than outward, ...
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” – African Proverb
When I was still in corporate, I was unexpectedly called into my boss’ office. You can imagine my reaction. I wasn't sure what to expect and wondered if I had inadvertently gotten myself into some kind of a mes...
When I first struck out on my own, I found myself doing a lot to make sure my business would be successful. Over the course of the last month, I have been paying closer attention to the things that I do and came to a surprising realization. I’ve been busy, but I haven’t always been productive.
Last week, I shared 5 ways to manage our physical energy. Those were:
- Getting 7-9 hours of sleep
- Eating foods that are good for your body and your brain
- Finding a workout that works for you and moving your butt!
- Drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day
- Having a solid morning r ...