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Rediscovering Joy and Passion in Life After Divorce adventure experience new beginnings travel volunteer

When I divorced, I quickly realized it was the perfect opportunity to rediscover the things that brought me joy. After years of putting my former husband's needs and his business, my career, and our home life first, it was time to put me first! One of the reasons why I felt so drained was because I ...

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3 Strategies for Healthy Balance Post-Divorce balance emotions self-empowerment wellness

When I divorced, I threw myself into my work. If I'm being honest, I was already throwing myself into my work well before the separation even came. It was a way to cope. I had a long commute, and I rationalized the morning drive as a great way to connect with my peeps in Europe and the evening commu...

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5 Confidence Boosters Post Separation confidence courage energy growth self-care self-love

After going through a separation or divorce, our self-confidence can take a hit. I put on a good facade. After all, I had left, so I didn't feel I had the "right" to feel unsure. But I remember feeling insecure and unlovable, and I threw myself into my work. I worked crazy hours because that was whe...

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Rediscovering Your Authentic Self After Separation divorce growth identity love recovery self-discovery self-talk separation

I saw my parents get divorced after 25 years of marriage, and I thought, “I’ll never do that. If I ever marry, it’ll be for life!” Little did I know that 20 years later, I would embark on the same journey. My former husband and I had been together ten years when we finally called it quits. We had bo...

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The Hustle Is A Lie balance boundaries hustle priorities values

I was so caught in the hustle. I worked crazy long hours during the week, on weekends, and while I was on vacation. At dinner time, my phone was never too far off, so I could jump on notifications. I felt like a hamster on a wheel, churning and churning with no end in sight. In fact, the work starte...

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Willpower vs. Wantpower: Leveraging Both for Success control distractions goals motivation self-care success values willpower

Last week, we went to a dinner party. The hostess was wonderful and made all kinds of yummy foods. I have struggled with my weight since I moved to the US. Culturally, America was very different from my previous living experiences. I was 15 and felt like a fish out of water. To be honest, I was mise...

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Decoding Burnout vs. Quiet Quitting: Spot the Signs and Take Action boundaries burnout quiet quitting stress

I was so dang tired. I was putting in the hours, working hard but not feeling like it was making a dent, and worse, feeling like I wasn’t making a difference. I wasn’t sleeping well. I felt like I had no time to prioritize myself, and I had so little energy that even if I had the time, I could only ...

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Drawing the Line: 3 Steps to Setting Healthy Boundaries boundaries clarity communication compromise self-care values


“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others” - Brené Brown


Here I was. It was 2 am. I had been in the office since before 8 am, and I was on a conference call.

I was working for an international company in Singapore. That mea...

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Happiness Is a Decision action fulfillment happiness positive purpose values

When I think about a time when I was happiest, it was in my childhood until I was about 13 years old. I didn’t think about the past. I didn’t worry about the future. I just lived. I enjoyed every moment. These are still some of the best memories of my life. 

You might ask, what changed? 

Well…. I ...

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5 Small but Powerful Ways to Shift Others' Perceptions of You assertive authenticity clarity perceptions question self-care self-doubt

Sometimes we make a bad first impression.

Sometimes people hear things about us before they even know us and form a negative opinion.

Sometimes we do something stupid and we hurt a relationship.

Sometimes we encounter resistance from people around us when we try to do something new because the...

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How Failure Prepared Me to Be an Entrepreneur determination failure innovation lessons reframe success

The 6 lessons I learned through numerous failures in my own life and how these are helping me in my entrepreneurial journey!

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The Dangers of Settling comfort zone dream learning risk role model routine settling

I knew I needed and wanted to give more at work, but I simply couldn't find it within me to do it. Stress was eating away at my health. I was getting sick more often and every time it was more virulent. At the same time, I was (and still am) in the best relationship I've ever had. You could say that...

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