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9 Lessons in Adaptability from the Animal Kingdom adaptability collaboration coping skills evolution growth perseverance

I have moved from one place to another my whole life. I’ve lived on 4 of the 7 continents and 9 countries. Anytime you move, it’s jarring to the system. As a kid of age to remember the experience, it felt like my whole world was falling apart. I was losing all my friends, my landmarks, everything th...

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Balance Your Life: Take Care of Yourself burnout coping skills habits health self-care

Self-Care has never been more important than since the onset of COVID. In March of 2020, COVID started sweeping through the US and we found ourselves in a new, surreal world. Most of us working from home, many having to juggle homeschooling and work. The days got longer and longer, with people worki...

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A Guide To Being More Courageous confidence courage fear habits

I never saw myself as a courageous person, but as I began writing this blog, I started reflecting on some of the things I’ve done over the course of the last few years and realized that I AM courageous. Funny enough, I seem to be more courageous in doing big things than little things. Some of the bi...

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How to Make Your Long Distance Relationship Work happiness love perseverance relationships

I have always loved traveling and living in different countries. It is incredibly enriching and rewarding and an opportunity to learn about other cultures and about yourself. So, when I was offered the opportunity to work in Shanghai, I was thrilled! At the same time, I was scared to death! I had be...

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5 Steps to an Abundance Mindset abundance collaboration entrepreneurship mindset productivity scarcity

It’s been 6 months to the day since I left my corporate job. As I reflect on my journey, I can see how I came to this decision. When I was in my 20s and 30s, I chased the titles, the recognition and the money. As I got older, my priorities began to shift. I started looking inward more than outward, ...

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5 Keys to Congruence and Authenticity authenticity congruence goal setting mindset relationships teamwork

I recently started doing some research on leadership. I want to get a better feel for what qualities leaders need to embody in order to be not only good, but great leaders. I have learned from the people I have interviewed to date that two of those qualities are congruence and authenticity. They are...

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7 Tips for Successful Collaborations collaboration confidence entrepreneurship ownership productivity relationships teamwork

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” – African Proverb

When I was still in corporate, I was unexpectedly called into my boss’ office. You can imagine my reaction. I wasn't sure what to expect and wondered if I had inadvertently gotten myself into some kind of a mes...

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9 Habits to Gain Confidence confidence entrepreneurship freedom goal setting habits mindset ownership relationships

Self-confidence doesn’t always come easy, especially in this day and age. Trolls are everywhere and we are constantly bombarded with messages that tear down our self-esteem and tell us we're not good enough. But the truth of the matter is you are enough! You just need some more practice believing in...

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7 Steps to Greater Clarity in Your Life clarity evolution goal setting habits mindset ownership

“You must first clearly see a thing in your mind before you can do it.” – Alex Morrison

Do you remember playing Blind Man’s Bluff when you were a kid? If not, let me refresh your memory. It’s a variation of Tag, where the person who is “It” is blindfolded and must find other players around the room...

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7 Tactics to Tame Negative Thoughts coping skills fear frustration goal setting habits happiness mindset ownership relationships

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes” - Mahatma Gandhi

If thoughts create feelings, feelings drive behaviors, and behaviors determine outcomes then, isn't it time to pay attention to your thoughts? We have thoughts all the time; thoughts that we are aware of and tho...

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Habits: Out With the Old - In With the New! challenge coping skills discipline energy freedom growth habits life change mindset perseverance

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but I disagree.

I moved to America in the mid 80’s after leaving a warm, Latin cultural background. This was in stark contrast to the more distant, Anglo-Saxon culture of boundaries and personal space and I felt lost, like I didn’t belong. Coming fro...

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What I Learned From My Divorce divorce evolution happiness life change love relationships

I was taken aback by how blue and smiling his eyes were. When we saw each other across the room for the first time I was smitten. Everything moved so fast from there. We dated, moved in together and a little over a year later, we walked down the aisle with promises of everlasting love.

When it came...

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